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Evening Breakers

 Evening Breakers. I tried to depict the light carving the forms of  the waves in this seascape from Malibu. Watercolor on paper 8 x 16 .

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Art in the Gallery

        Hillside Vineyard 11 x 21  sold at Auburn James Danville

 Pebble Beach May 14 x 14 sold Portnoy Galleries, Carmel


luigi bluoso said...

Continui a mostrarci opere straordinarie, dense di atmosfere irreali alimentate da un incredibile insieme di colori. Saper mantenere l'equilibrio e comporre in armonia sono segni di un talento sopraffino. Buon lavoro!

Robin Purcell said...

The two paintings are at Fairmont Gallery (top) and Portnoy galleries (lower)